

l’Opificio at Expo2020 Dubai with Exclusive Brands Torino

Appointment with Sustainability

Together with other major Piedmonts companies l’Opificio is part of Exclusive Brands Torino. Promoted by the Unione Industriale Torino, Exclusive Brands Torino is the first Italian high-end multi-sectorial network of the Piedmont territory. At Expo 2020 Dubai, Exclusive Brands Torino is Partenaire Officiel at the Pavillon de Monaco.

At Expo 2020 Dubai, the Pavillon de Monaco dedicates the week 14th - 20th February to Exclusive Brands Torino.

The main event will be broadcasted on the Network’s Youtube channel at 3pm on Thursday February 17th, divided in two major moments:
  • The Press Conference, during which the President Paolo Pininfarina and the Vice President Paola Bertoldo will illustrate the peculiarities of the Network and the terms of the collaboration with the Pavillon de Monaco at Expo 2020 Dubai.
  • The Talk show about Sustainability, a topic of great interest and that stands deep at the core of the network companies. The aim is to discuss about sustainability based on a serious, objective and solid scientific base. The interesting aspect of this discussion will be that for the first time the discussion will focus on specific aspects of the environmental sustainability declined in different activity sectors.
  • From row materials, to the transformation processes up to the use, consumption and disposal of a product, the LFA ( Life Cycle Analysis) will be matter of discussion which means that a meaningful sustainability, starts with product design.
  • Retracing the fascinating and complex production chains together we will be highlighting the application of the circular economy principals proposed from each activity sector too and value them in a prospective of a reduced consumption of energy and of natural resources.

Exclusive Brands Torino includes companies of different sectors, which represent really sustainable industrial models attentive to protect local know-how too.

The participants to the Talk will be, for the food sector Umberto Trombetta of Costadoro and Stefano Borromeo of Galup, for the technology and design sector Luca Boffa of Building, Paolo Pininfarina of Pininfarina and Alberto Parini of Arti Grafiche Parini, for the fashion sector Alessandra Girrardi of Vanni Occhiali and Paola Bertoldo of l’Opificio.

The discussion will be introduced by Dario Casalini of Oscalito author of the book “ Dress good, clean and fair. Returning to a sustainable fashion”.

Moderator: Giulia Pescara of Unione Industriale Torino.

Exclusive Brands Torino is present at the Pavillon de Monaco with a Limited Edition Collection that presents 14 products especially created by the companies of the Network as homage to the colours and logo of the pavillon.

Enjoy your viewing!

Thursday 17th February at 15:00 hours

How to follow the event?
Connecting to the YouTube Exclusive Brands Torino Channel



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