These essential concepts of pleasure and quality apply also to another primary need of the human being that distinguishes the latter from all living beings on Earth: that of dressing up and showing his personality through the clothes he wears. The house and its furnishings participate in the same function as clothing.
In addition to food pleasure, therefore, aesthetic pleasure, protection and the pursuit of beauty and a better quality of life. Beauty is not just an individualistic affirmation of oneself, but it is a form of exercising the right to happiness that requires respect for the rights of others and the protection of the environment and nature that host us.
Beauty is not only an aesthetic canon but must include substantial values: it is beautiful what is also healthy, clean, fair, durable, as characteristics of sustainability of the textile supply chain through which the product we use is made.
The frenetic progress of mankind has taken us beyond consumerism, transforming us into the society of waste: today it is estimated that over 150 billion pieces of clothing and accessories are produced every year, almost half of which remains unsold.
In the textile sector on the wave of the rapid success of fast fashion, the constant search for cost reduction through the lowering of product quality levels, environmental pollution, the exploitation of low-cost labor, has destroyed diversity, flattened consumption, fueled waste, hence losing traditions and, what is even more serious, the perception of quality, know-how and competence.
Consumerism cannot be eliminated; however, it is possible to change its course, combining aesthetics, ethics and quality of life, through more conscious production and consumption of healthy, clean, fair and durable products, capable of exciting because they are linked to fundamental values such as tradition, quality, the transparency of the production chain that seems to have lost its meaning and that we want to promote. Only a growing demand for sustainable products (healthy, clean, fair and durable) can trigger a change in the industrial strategies of producers who are called to offer higher quality goods with less and more efficient use of resources, applying the principles of the circular economy.
A production and commercial model based on quality, circularity and dignity is still possible. In the same decades profoundly marked by the relocation of mass textile production to countries with low-cost labor and more permissive environmental laws, thousands of textile companies have instead remained faithful to their values of a transparent, clean and fair supply chain, offering on the market durable and quality products that enhance the knowledge and skills of the territory, patiently developed and handed down from generation to generation.
The change of production and consumption paradigm becomes increasingly urgent for the health of the human being and the planet that hosts us.
It is essential that humankind uses his intelligence to return to harmony with nature.
Producing and consuming better, in a healthier, cleaner, fairer and more durable way means making an increasing number of people enjoy quality, beauty and pleasure, while at the same time educating them to respect Mother Earth and all those who live there.
- Environmental aspects of sustainability management
- Economical aspects of sustainability management
- Social aspects of sustainability management
l’Opificio operates in the textile sector, it is a manufacturing activity that works highly valuable threads continuing an antique tradition standing out from competitors for its unique long-lasting products of high quality.
l’Opificio select the best yarns from which arise refined velvets and jacquard fabrics entirely made in Italy as they are designed and produced in house as well as sophisticated soft-furnishing home couture.
The production process covers all steps and guarantees fabric, velvet and home couture quality 100% Made in Italy.
We are aware of our role and we work daily with a glimpse to the future. This is the reason why we recognise some of the objective of the ONU Agenda2030.
The SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals – touched by our activity according to our view are:
5. Gender Equality;
6. Clean Water and Sanitation;
6.3.1 percentage of treated waste water;
6.4.1 variation of water efficiency over time;
7. Clean Energy;
7.2.1 renewable energy consumption;
7.3.1 energy intensity;
8. decent work and economic growth;
8.8 protection of workers’ rights and promotion of safe and secure environmental working areas;
12. Responsible consumption and production;
12.4.2 per capita dangerous waste and percentage of treated dangerous waste, per typology of treatment;
12.5 By 2030 reduce substantially waste creation through prevention, recycle and reuse.
Natural raw materials of a superior quality
An enormous source of pride for the company are the raw materials. Natural and of superior quality they are used during the production process and allow to create a unique timeless product always appraised and respected by our clientele
Management and appreciation of textile waste and scrap
Management and appreciation of textile waste is of paramount importance. As the company has to maintain the highest quality standards it cannot re-use scrap textile, but to respect the policy implemented it has developed a network of companies downstream of the production process that professionally reuse and recycle this type of product
Product health and safety
The company has always had the healthiness of the product at the core of its activity, even beyond the legal regulations, for its employees and the final clients. Since inception the company has totally excluded the use of formaldehyde in the production process.
Durability of a long-lasting product
Product durability has a double nature. It doesn’t represent the interest of the user for a long-lasting product which maintain its value with the use, it is also characterizes and differentiates the company.
Waste reduction
Sustainability means also to reduce to a minimum possible any kind of waste. l’Opificio deals with this aspect from several points of view among which:
All offices have large window to enjoy, during all the yearlong, of natural light, reducing the use of artificial light and therefore energy consumption
For all those who don’t need a fix computer (a part for example creative dept and graphic dept) the company has introduced lap-tops. This allows to lower energy consumption and guarantees a more flexible
All employees have been made aware to print documents only when necessary. Creating an easy to access digital archive, we have substantially reduced the use of paper.
- The social aspects of sustainability management
In the social area of sustainability management, the relevant aspects are:
Employee commitment
Employee commitment and participation is vital and one of the key priorities of the company, especially as l’Opificio offers craft products that require employees with expertise and knowledge, with a critical and creative thinking as well as a great sense for beauty. These are skills that cannot be easily objective quantifiable, but that are “subjectively” perceived expressed as being part of something.
Gender Equality
Gender equality is a main objective of l’Opificio. In fact, employees are indiscriminately selected and there is no activity precluded to one or the other sex.
Company Integration in the Community
l’Opificio has given and gives work to the community insuring wealth to the territory, but further more with its artisanal vision of the work, it values the expertise available in the community and has created new ones.
Professional Training, training on the Job and Human enhancement
For the company it is paramount to guarantee the quality standards and the wellbeing of our employees as well as their continuous training and their personal enhancement.
It is important that employees are trained by the company especially at the beginning of their activity, when the company present the full production process to help the employee to better evaluate all possible critical aspects of every department and to support a team spirit, maintaining a harmonic working environment within the company.
l’Opificio has always shared the concept of circular economy based on a production model and consumerism that looks at re-conditioning and re-cycling of materials and existing products and furthermore to produce long-lasting products. With this respect the company has worked to enhance the life cycle of the product as long as possible starting with the highest quality possible that assures a long durability.
Each textile waste follows a specific procedure to reduce waste to a minimum. Textile waste coming directly from the production process and the production of “second choice” are sold to companies that use these scraps as row material, whilst what can not be recoverable is directly wasted by a dedicated company.
Furthermore, l’Opificio has chosen to:
- Accurately plan availability of all fabrics/velvets avoiding stockpile in excess
- To design product models for the home couture collection using at maximum the textile width to avoid textile remains
- To create long-lasting collections in terms of quality and style, avoiding catalogue changes that would result in textile scraps
- To increase quality controls to avoid returns
- To re-use, leftovers of fabrics and/or velvets from the home couture collections for samplings and cuttings
- To re-use leftovers of fabric and/or velvets from the home couture collections to prepare small textile gadgets
- Collaborate with charities that use textile leftovers for small handmade products
Each solution indicated above aims to give a second life to textile scraps, which otherwise would be just wasted.
l’Opificio uses only superb quality raw material and for the making of most of our products uses highly valuable natural fibres alike silk, cotton, linen, wool and cashmere.
l’Opificio textiles do not contain formaldehyde or any other kind of toxic substances.
This as we believe in the strength of an ethical and responsible craftmanship.
We proof that you don’t need any toxic substances to make the textiles smooth, vivid, strong and beautiful.
Formaldehyde is the simplest aldehyde, it is a chemical formula CH2O or HCHO, and its CAS number is 50-00-0. In 37% aqueous solution is commercially called formalin. In these terms it can be confused with the generic definition of a chemical commonly used substance: in fact, it is for domestic use but with a very high rate of toxicity by contact and inhalation.
The International fellowships for cancer research, the IARC, have included it in the list of carcinogenic substances since 2004: the exposure to large quantities of formaldehyde is in fact potentially lethal.
For the reasons that we have just talked about we could think that the formaldehyde is banned from the commerce but unfortunately it isn’t. By law, using this substance is not allowed in great measure but the use in low dosages is permitted, so the danger for health is not reset.
It is used as a potent bactericidal in household disinfectants and in many products as glues, resins, solvents, insulating foams, in food preservative and (unbeknown of consumers) also in the textile production where it is employed to improve the dimensional stability and the crease resistance neglecting its harmful effects.The use of energy is fundamental for the production of textiles during the different phases of the process.
The company, for a conscious use of energy, has verified the energy supply chain which daily guarantees the functioning of its production processes, highlighting that part of the energy used derives from sustainable sources, the remaining from natural gas, which among the different sources is on of the less impacting on the environment.
Energy derived from sustainable resources comes from natural and unlimited resource, as they can auto-produce themselves. These resources contribute greatly to the protection of the environment and the health of the human being and are used to produce energy instead of the fossil fuel.considers its employees and collaborators a fundamental asset as carriers of values and competitor advantage for the company. Therefore, the company considers human resources policy as a strategic vital instrument.
In this regard it pursues employee development and retention of knowledge (with continuing training, inclusion and coaching) and maintains a high level of motivation. Moreover, l’Opificio gives particular priority to safety and security at work.
l’Opificio since its inception has sustained Gender Equality and in fact, 95% of the employees are women. It is a company that well understands women requirements and has accordingly organised the work that properly balances professional and private life offering for example, flexible working hours and part-time on one side and employee well-being and health on the other.
To be responsible towards the community, for an entrepreneur, means to support work, balance and social growth.
l’Opificio, even during time of difficulties, as the latter one caused by the pandemic, has implemented all strategies needed to search for new markets of export to continue to guarantee the actual employment level.
l’Opificio values the persons, to whom it recognises suitable role and decisional space.
It is for this reason that the company offers to its employees the possibility to maintain up-to-date their skills and knowledge through on-line and off-line training in their sector of competence.
The company believes in acknowledging employees’ skills and in the added value granted to the Brand. It is through these skills that the company guarantees to its clients a high-quality product and service.
In order to continuously develop, enhance and better our product and service that company has invested in the company culture based on team work, training and coaching.
Professional life and private life find a balance within l’Opificio. Our working policy is oriented to a life-balance to support employees in their organisation of working and private activities further facilitated by the fact that the employees live in the neighbours of the company.