

Turning desires into reality

l’Opificio bespoke and interior design services

To live in a place where we feel comfortable, that represent us at best and make us feel at home is, most of the time, the result of a relation between an individual, an interior designer and a company that has the capacity to offer a bespoke service at the highest level, as the one offered by l’Opificio.
A little bit of history
Vitruvio, almost 2000 years ago, defined the characteristics a building should have: it should be robust, it should last, it should be useful and it should be beautiful as there is an inherent profound connection between the human being and the surrounding environment.
Today neuroscience underlines the strict relation between architecture and cognitive answers and highlights how the memory of a place/space is based on the perception of an object, on the sensorial aspects of the object and on the physical and emotional experience lived by the person.
Environmental psychology, on the other side, researches the relation between the human being and the environment the latter understood as a physical space (large or small, private or public) or an open space or as society. In order to analyse the bond between man and environment there are three main principals which means: the physical characteristics, the activities that will be performed in that given space, the cognitive representations derived from the relation with that given area. Therefore, the environmental psychology studies, as said before, the cognitive-perceptive bond and the emotional-sentimental ties.
For example, did you ever ask yourself why a certain place resound in you particularly or why a colour moves you or reminds you of a specific event?
Bespoke service and interior design
Since the inception, one of l’Opificio strength has been the bespoke service and the interior design, which help our clients during the choosing process of the solution of their dreams. But what does this mean for l’Opificio?
To offer a bespoke service means to create a deep empathetic bond with our clients listening to their desires and even more important understanding/ sensing what they are not telling us too. It is fundamental to be able to read between the lines as a bespoke project of an interior design doesn’t only mean to suggest a piece of furniture, an accessory or a textile. It is peculiar to the professionalism and experience of l’Opificio interior designer the ability to understand how the client imagine his room, how the room will be lived and which kind of relation will grow in that space. To transform a desire into reality requests an effort that includes several steps to achieve the optimum solution for the client. The bespoke service, on one side shorten the path between imagination and realization, on the other side gives pragmatism to expectations of comfort and wellbeing to a place the defines us and is defined by us.
It is this kind of relation, between interior designer and client that makes your dreams come true and it is what l’Opificio interior designers love the most doing daily.




l’Opificio @ OFFTAMAT

l’Opificio @ Maison&Objet Paris 2025

Torino Art Week 2024