A sartorial cushion collection designed exclusively for Expo 2020 Dubai.
Together with other major Piedmonts companies l’Opificio is part of Exclusive Brands Torino.
Promoted by the Unione Industriale Torino, Exclusive Brands Torino is the first Italian high-end multi-sectorial network of the Piedmont territory.
On the occasion of Expo 2020 which will be held at Dubai from October 2021 until March 2022, Exclusive Brands Torino will be Partenaire Officiel at the Pavillon de Monaco.
To validate this special collaboration with the Principality of Monaco, in perfect Exclusive Brands Torino style, which aims to the promotion, development and sharing of Made in Italy excellence, it has been created a “Limited Edition Expo 2020 Dubai” collection. It is a collection of products of the Exclusive Brands Torino companies which follow an elegant graphic line inspired by the Pavillon de Monaco logo and logos colouring.
The exclusive products will be on show at the Pavillon de Monaco in Dubai and will be on selling, in Italy and in the companies’ foreign market of reference, starting from June 2021 and for the entire duration of the international event
For this occasion, l’Opificio has designed a colourful four weave lampas inspired by the official logo of the Pavillon de Monaco. Main textile of the “Limited Edition” Cushion collection it is matched with a Made in Italy pure silk taffetà. It is a collection of colour and shades explosion resulting from textile skills and made in Piedmont savoir faire.
l’Opificio Limited Edition Cushion collection presents a model in three different sizes and it is meant to dress your sofa or your bed declining your preferred tone in an endless chromatic game with a wow effect