

l’Opificio: 14-21 November creating culture

NITTO ATP Finals | Exclusive Brands Torino Lounge

From Sunday 14th until Sunday 21th November, Exclusive Brands Torino have organised a precious opportunity of cultural exchange with the Turenese entrepreneurs’ world of excellence in the Sala Codici at the Museo del Risorgimento.
Round Tables will alternate with Masterclasses and Laboratories to offer the possibility to deepen the knowledge or simply discover the existing skills on the territory, sometimes anknown.

Programme and Descriptions of Round Tables, Mastercalsses and Laboratories and to buy entry tickets with credit card through this link:

The week of meetings will start on Sunday 14th November at 11:00 with the first Round Table dedicated to one of the most discussed topics of the moment it means Sustainability, to which will participate Oscalito, l’Opificio, Quagliotti, Arti Grafiche Parini, Quercetti e Building, members of the network. The aim is to discuss about sustainability based on a serious, objective and solid scientific base considering the entire production chain from row material up to the finished product.
The interesting aspect of this discussion will be that for the first time the discussion will focus on specific aspects of the environmental sustainability declined in different activity sectors.
From row materials, to the transformation processes up to the use, consumption and disposal of a product, the LFA ( Life Cycle Analysis) will be matter of discussion which means that a meaningful sustainability, starts with product design. Products will have to be conceived from the beginning with a low environmental impact during production, consumption and disposal phases.
Retracing the fascinating and complex production chains together we will be highlighting the application of the circular economy principals proposed from each activity sector too and value them in a prospective of a reduced consumption of energy and of natural resources.
EBT includes companies of different sectors, which represent really sustainable industrial models, attentive to protect local know-how and want to speak out for a necessary and possible change.
The discussion will be moderated by the renowned scientific journalist Maurizio Menicucci.

When will you have the opportunity to meet l’Opificio?

Sunday 14th November at 11:00,
l’Opificio will participate to the inaugural Round Table dedicated to the “Sustainability” topic



Thursday 18th November at 11:00

together with Oscalito, Vanni, Bava and Fondazione Ricerca Molinette Round Table “Chromatic Harmony: a better living in palette”


Saturday 20th November at 10:00

l’Opificio with Oscalito and Quagliotti will hold a Laboratory: “Experiencing Textile: textures and Fabrics”






Saturday 20th November at 16:00
The Charity auction Exclusive Charity organised by Exclusive Brands Torino with the support of Sant’Agostino Casa d’Aste.




Sala Codici Museo del Risorgimento

Piazza Carlo Alberto, 8

10123 Torino



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