l’Opificio @ MilanoDesignWeek 2023

The best of our #MDW PART 1

Attendance boom in Milan for Milano Design Week featuring the 61st edition of Il Salone del Mobile.Milano and over 800 events of the Fuorisalone.

It was a wonderful week that will stay in our hearts. It was truly great to meet you at Il Salone!

We are moved by the warmth and affection you have shown us. Thank you all.

l'Opificio Milano Design Week
It was a week full of events that saw our creations in the spotlight not only at Il Salone del Mobile, but also at Fuorisalone with the fantastic project L'Appartamento by Artemest.

l'Opificio @ Il Salone del Mobile.Milano
This year we proposed a stand, designed by architect and stylist Bruno Tarsia, characterized by architectural volumes to be discovered and a calibrated combination of colors. A set-up made of soft volumes, bright colors, in a setting with welcoming lines and unexpected perspectives.

Our stand, with three visual portholes, guided the eye to the richness of textile detail and its intrinsic value, a metaphor and scenography of the added value of l'Opificio collections. Concrete added value, made of stylistic elegance and durable quality because they have a timeless design.

Focus on the three protagonist collections of this year: the new GRID by Roberta Borrelli and LES INTRIGUES by Bruno Tarsia, together with ARCHITRAME, designed by Lanzavecchia+Wai, now one of the iconic collections of the brand.

The predominant colors, Prussian blue and hematite pink, enlivened the sophisticated play of light and dark, amplifying the three-dimensionality of the setting. Inside, colors, patterns, velvets and design furniture upholstered in the brand's fabrics, including a sofa designed by Barbara Bertoldo - Art Director of l'Opificio.

To tell the elective affinity that links the brand to velvet, Bruno Tarsia has dedicated a visual focus to the VELLUTO DI SETA collection by designing an unexpected vertical volume, a stage for an endless sequence of cushions that emphasizes the sophisticated color palette.

Splendid frame of the textile creations and in perfect chromatic harmony, the mural paints by l'Opificio and produced by Wilson&Morris PIT2104 Blue and PIT1046 Red Wood.

The entire project was studied in perfect continuity with the guidelines promoted this year by Il Salone del Mobile.Milano, which invited exhibitors to recycling, reusing, circularity and ensuring safety and social sustainability, with the aim of creating an increasingly sustainable and respectful event towards the environment and people, values that have always been at the core of the company philosophy.

The set-up highlighted not only the collections of fabrics and velvets but also those of Home Haute Couture with a focus on Bedcovers and Cushions.

In the next article, we will take you to discover L'Appartamento by Artemest.



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