

Slow Velvet: long processing time velvet

Slow velvet velluto a lunga lavorazione: scopri la speciale tecnica di lavorazione dei velluti l'Opificio.

slow velvet velluto a lunga lavorazione

l’Opificio silk velvet collection is a rich and precious collection, the result of a long processing time, starting in the far East, where we choose the silkworm’s finest fibre.

A fibre that is worked exclusively in Italy through long and slow processes of selection, dyeing and drying, which take more than 20 days. Slow and thorough processes, avoiding to the fibre any kind of stress and enhancing to its best shininess and softness, without adding formaldehyde.

Once yarn is ready, silk will be weaved and transformed into velvet. A process carried on by expert weavers, which takes around 60 hours of diligent weaving.

But it’s not over yet: l’Opificio quality requires 5 more days of different finishing, which, thanks to expert hands and old machineries, will make velvet pile soft and smooth and will enhance its silky aspect.

Only thanks to this long and careful process, which is almost a month long, l’Opificio can assure a precious, unique and safe quality, which is also long lasting and loved all over the world.

Discover more about l'Opificio Velvet

come si realizza il velluto
velluto a lunga lavorazione opificio



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